Tubqal Pro multiscript

Check Tubqal Pro Tifinagh and get its basic bundle for FREE!

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Tubqal Pro multiscript

Tubqal was initially one of the three type families developed within the Typographic Matchmaking in the Maghrib 3.0 joint project. Set out, led and coordinated by the Khatt Foundation, it took place in 2015 and 2016 in different cities of Morocco and the south of Spain.

Among other goals, this cooperative experience sought the creation of a bunch of fonts that would meet the need for multi-script typefaces in the region. All of them were based on vernacular styles, concerning for the most part the Arabic script and its Maghribi variants.

Tubqal is inspired by the Maghribi Mabsout sub-style, a variant traditionally used in extensive reading texts. It is a low contrast hand and the structure of the letters is fairly rigid, closer to the Kufic stillness than to other more fluent styles like Naskh. Mabsout was also the starting point to consider the main features that would guide the design of the Latin and Tifinagh scripts, not only in its formal attributes but also its spirit and the way it could be translated from the Arabic to the other two scripts respecting each one’s idiosyncrasy and peculiarities.

Tubqal Pro, developed by Andreu Balius and Juan Luis Blanco, is an extended update of Tubqal. The Latin and Tifinagh parts were redrawn for a more consistent stroke modulation and contrast. Up to six weights have been developed, and in the case of Tifinagh and Latin, italics have been added. To sum up, Tubqal Pro is a modern, complete and versatile tri-script type family ideal for texts that seek to convey a contemporary Maghribi flavour.

Tubqal Pro is available at Blancoletters and Typerepublic.

Sample of Maghribi Mabsout style

A sample of Maghribi Mabsout style.

A. Balius, S. Bellizi and Juan Luis Blanco

From left to right, A. Balius, S. Bellizi and J.L. Blanco, working on the first sketches of Tubqal. Marrakech, 2015.

Tubqal Pro typeface specimen 2Tubqal Pro typeface specimen 2

Tubqal Tifinagh has a set of smaller glyphs for a better matching when used along Latin and Arabic

Tifinagh character set is offered in two different heights

Stylistic set for a better alignment with Tuareg characters

Stylistic set for a better alignment with Tuareg characters

Tubqal Pro multiscript

Roman | Italic

Tubqal headline samples

Tubqal Pro text samples

Italic | Roman

Tubqal italic headline samples

Tubqal Pro Italic text samples

Tubqal Pro multiscript

Tubqal Pro character set

Buying options

Tubqal Pro comes in 12 styles. Individual styles can be purchased from 40€.
  • Basic bundle (4 styles): Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic styles.
  • Complete pack (12 styles): Light, Regular, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold & their italics

Print fonts ( Individual styles from 40€ )

Web fonts ( Individual styles from 40€ )

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  • If you have issues or questions during installation or use, please contact us.
  • Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
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