Tags ArchivesGraphic design

Blancoletters in the exhibition
“50 years, 50 designers” standard

The exhibition "50 years, 50 designers" commemorates half a century of the Faculty of Fine Arts. It showcases a selection of 50 works made by professional designers who studied in that faculty. The inauguration, held on 25 March, was a nice meeting between former students and lecturers of the faculty. The press conference highlighted the high level of graphic design in the Basque Country and the unquestionable social role of design in improving our lives and our environment. Entre esos trabajos seleccionados se encuentra la familia tipográfica Harri, en sus versiones Display y Text. Es uno de los tres proyectos tipográficos presentes en la exposición, y el único que muestra  un proyecto en torno a la tipografía vasca. Ha sido ...

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Talk about Tifinagh at the 2nd Conference
in Graphic Design (Bilbao) standard

Talking about Tifinagh and multi-script typefaces as a way to normalise cultural diversity in multi lingual environments. Image: E. Herrera. From 27 to 29 June 2018 the Second Conference in Graphic Design, organised by the Graphic Design Department of the University of the Basque Country took place in Bilbao. The theme of this edition was "Design and sustainable society" and I was given the opportunity to talk about Tifinagh. Various aspects concerning the link between Graphic Design and sustainability were discussed: gender, accessibility, environment, identity, activism... It was the ideal context to talk about how Type Design may help normalising the presence of minority languages and scripts in multicultural areas, in this particular case giving voice to the Tifinagh script in a context in ...

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