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Talk about multiscript design at Typomad 2015 (Madrid) standard

This was one of the nicest surprises of last month. While I was in Marrakech taking part in the TMM3 project, I got an email from Pablo Gámez (Chulotype / Typomad) inviting me to give a talk in Typomad 2015 about multiscript design, focusing on the project I developed during my Master's Degree at the University of Reading, and more specifically on the Tifinagh script. I gladly accepted the invitation. It will be a pleasure to share stage and experiences with Jean Baptiste Levée, Toshi Omagari, Sol Matas, Raul García, Ismael González, Julia Kahl, Jesús Morentín, Diego Dier and Damià Rotger among others. You will find all the information about the conferences, workshops, exhibitions and tickets here: http://www.typomad.com/home-eng/ See you at Typomad ...

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