Harri tipografia bezero baten enkargu bitxi baten ondorioz jaio zen, behintzat kontzeptualki. Haren eskaera zera izan zen: “gure logoa euskal munduarekin lotura garbia izatea nahi dugu, baina harategietan eta sagardotegietan erabiltzen den euskal tipografia hori erabili gabe” – euskal grafiaren estiloari erreferentzia eginez.
Euskal Herriko paisaia bisualari erreparatuz gero, badago zalantzik gabe bisitariei nabarmen gertatuko zaien kontu bat, haiek tipografiaren ezagutza izan ala ez: eskualde osoan zehar letreroetan, seinaletan, karteletan eta nonahi ikus daiteken tipografia bitxia. Oso letra lodiak dira, harrian zizelkatua daudenen ezaugarriak neurriz gorako moduan aplikatzen direlarik, trazuak konkaboak bihurtuz eta haien muturretan izkina zorrotzak sortuz era bitxi batean. Zenbait kasuetan itxura baldar eta landugabea dute, aintzinako argin bat eginda balira bezala. Horregaik, ez da harritzekoa maiz ...
Hay algo en el paisaje visual del País Vasco que no pasa desapercibido a sus visitantes independientemente de su conocimiento sobre tipografía: el peculiar estilo de rotulación vasco usado en placas de calles, señales, carteles o letreros en todo el territorio. Es un tipo de letra extremadamente pesado realizado en lo que parece ser un diseño glífico muy exagerado, dando lugar a astas cóncavas que producen vertices y terminales muy agudos y formas de letra a veces inusuales. Dichas formas tienen un aspecto rústico y tosco, lo que les confiere un cierto aire primitivo y manual. No es pues de extrañar que se empleen con frecuencia en tiendas de alimentación, restaurantes, sidrerías y otros casos en los que ...
(English version) (Versión castellano)
2018ko Irailan eginiko elkarrizketaren jarraipen gisa, Euskadi Irratiko Baipasa irratsaioan parte hartzeko gonbidatua izan naiz, tipografiari buruz solas egiteko astero. Tipografiaren mundua zabaltzeko aukera hau ohore eta erronka haundi bat da aldi berean, eta izugarri pozten nau irrati publiko batek espazio txiki hori eskeintzeak tipografiari.
Ostegunero 5:15 – 5:30aren bueltan tipografiaren inguruko alderdi ezberdinak jorratuko ditugu. Martxoaren 12an estreinatu genuen saioa Times New Roman-i buruzko solasalditxo batekin. Ordutik hona Comic Sans, Helvetica eta Trajan tipografien zenbait xehetasun eta bitxikeri kontatu ditugu. Tipografia interesatzen bazaizu jarrai gaitzazu ostegunero. Orain arte egindako saioen audioak entzun ditzakezu hor behean ere bai.
2021/06/24 Tipografia errepideetan
2021/06/10 Tipografia automobiletan
2021/06/03 Tipografia lehenetsiak
2021/05/20 Tipografia kaleetan
2021/05/06 Euskal kaligrafoak: Pedro Madariaga
2021/03/25 Emakume inprimatzaileak
2021/03/11 Emakune kaligrafoak
2021/02/25 Emojiak 2
2021/02/18 Emojiak ...
There is something about the visual landscape of the Basque Country that will not go unnoticed to the eyes of its visitors regardless of their knowledge of typography: the peculiar lettering style spread all over the region on street plates, signs, posters and fascias. They display extremely heavy letters in a sort of overemphasised glyphic style with characteristic concave stems that produce very sharp terminals and awkward letter forms. Those shapes look certainly rough, unrefined and overdone, conveying a sort of primitiveness rooted way back in time. This seems to make it a convenient choice for food shops, restaurants, cider houses and other cases in which projecting the idea of authenticity, tradition and "Basqueness" is intended.
Harri, as ...
(Basque version) (Spanish version)
As a follow up of the interview held in September 2018, I have been invited to collaborate weekly in the public Basque radio to talk about typography in the afternoon show “Baipasa”. It is both an honour and a challenge to have the opportunity to talk about my passion and to spread the interest and knowlegde about type in my community.
Every Thursday around 5:15 – 5:30 PM we will discuss differents aspects of typography. We started on March 12th with a talk about Times New Roman. Three more programs have been broadcasted since then in which we discovered uses, details and anecdotes around well known typefaces: Comic Sans, Helvetica and Trajan. If you are interested and ...
Sarean #37. Calligraphy, Typography and New Technologies were the three main subjects addressed in the interview.
Few days ago I was interviewed in Sarean, a radio programme of the Basque Radio in collaboration with Sarean.eus association. We talked mainly about Calligraphy and Typography. We also discussed how new technologies make the production of comercial fonts easier, cheaper and faster. We went through the whole type design process, from the first sketches to the tools used for the final production of digital typefaces.
Glad to see Typography is gaining presence in my near environment. If you are curious and want to know how "type talk" sounds in Basque, clic on the image or follow ...
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